The CFNGS offers a range of services, including:
- mRNA-seq: RNA-isolation and fluorometric quantification, assessment of RNA quality (RIN-value) on bioanalyzer, library preparation (non-stranded and stranded) and all quality controls (Bioanalyzer).
- ATAC-seq (in collaboration): from tagmentation to final library
- ChIP-seq (in collaboration): from fixation to final library.
- Single-cell-RNA-seq (in collaboration): from capturing to final library
- Single-cell-ATAC-seq
- Spatial transcriptomics
- CUT & RUN for histone marks (in collaboration): from cleavage to final library
- PARTEK Flow (on loan)
All sequencing takes place at our sequencing partner Novogene (Munich), with whom we have been working very successfully for several years. With the NovaSeq X Plus, Novogene offers the latest Illumina system, two of which can already be found in Munich.
All communication with Novogene is handled by CF NGS FZI, which also coordinates and carries out the shipment of your samples, the upload of sample information forms, data processing and - if required - their analysis.